BIOJUVE® pioneers a groundbreaking method in skin biome maintenance using cutting-edge technology. Personally, I’ve witnessed remarkable outcomes at my clinic, particularly when combined with SkinPen® microneedling.

The Grand Hotel Birmingham. Monday, January 31st, 2022
Event location: ColemoreRow, Birmingham, B3 2BS. Register your interest by email, contacting our Customer Support team at
BIOJUVE® pioneers a groundbreaking method in skin biome maintenance using cutting-edge technology. Personally, I’ve witnessed remarkable outcomes at my clinic, particularly when combined with SkinPen® microneedling.
The demand for SkinPen® went through the roof. I straight away invested in another SkinPen® device, and very quickly, I think I will need a third device because it has been doing great in the clinic.
The SkinPen® treatment is the one skin remodelling procedure that is my go-to for all of my patients because of its being results-driven, safe and versatile.
Thank you for a great educational morning, I really enjoyed it. Attending events like this definitely helps reinforce the enthusiasm I already have for SkinPen.
The SkinPen training today was excellent.
I just wanted to say thank you for today’s training I really enjoyed it. It was interesting, informative and fun the best training I’ve done for years.
Congratulations and thank you for all on your clinical excellence and training towards my team this year. I am grateful for the time you have given us which has helped us to get the results we did, and to be able to present this prospectively to your audience last weekend.
Thank you so much for Monday – you were incredibly clear and we can’t wait to get going!
Just wanted to say how much both of our girls on training enjoyed the session-both reported to me how informative it was and are eager to get into using the pen on clients as soon as possible.
What an amazing event! So nice to meet so many lovely Practintioners and the skinpen community